Benefits of Reiki

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Benefits of Reiki


Today, people are exploring more traditional approaches to feeling balanced and healing the mind-body as a whole. The energy used in touch and Reiki is considered a substantial level of vibration beyond our normal perceptual abilities. The truth is that we don’t understand exactly how Reiki works, but we do know that it is a spiritual practice, like meditation and yoga. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is the Japanese name for the international energy that originated in Tibet thousands of years ago.

Reiki practice involves the gentle application of the palms of the hands over the entire body in a series of organized positions to increase the flow of energy throughout the system. Reiki practitioners do not direct energy; instead, Reiki energy is said to flow through the practitioner’s hands, and the gentle energy travels to the regions of the body that need healing. It is very important to note that there is no religious belief system associated with Reiki. The idea of this energy flows within the body is the premise for understanding Reiki and its benefits.

Reiki Session


Reiki is a passive practice that does not require tissue manipulation or massage. The operator’s palms may be gently spread over the recipient’s body or just over the entire body, depending on the recipient’s preference. The recipient may experience sensations of warmth, coolness, tingling, and combined with some who do not experience distinct sensations. Virtually everyone experiences a sense of balance and relaxation. The Reiki practitioner remains impartial so that the recipient can benefit from the meaning of the Reiki experience.

Benefits of Reiki


A Reiki treatment helps reduce the effects of stress by relieving tension throughout the system. It moves the person toward their identifying balance throughout the body, brain, and soul, but also, depending on the level of physical health, when Reiki is initiated, the body’s healing mechanisms often begin to work more effectively. The National Center for Complementary Alternative Medicine study suggests that Reiki reduces anxiety and depression and relieves pain, especially after surgery. Reiki can be used in a variety of health care settings: (a) in palliative care to support patients during the physical and mental ramifications of death, (b) in the emergency room, and (c) in psychiatry to help patients with depression and nervousness.

When individuals do not walk patiently and listen to how they relate to their ideas, their body, and their soul, clarity is lost. Taking the opportunity to walk patiently allows for detachment from things in the environment. It creates a space to shift from the perspective of the body as a physical mechanism to a body that transmits information to know what is needed to achieve balance. Spiritual practices help us connect with our hidden resources. Practitioners recognize that people who use their internal tools get better results and are easier to heal.